The full list of the confiscated property of the arrested former head of the Neftchala District Executive Authority Ismail Valiyev has been announced. According to, the Lankaran Court of Grave Crimes ruled that 12 properties owned by Valiyev were confiscated in favor of the state.
The confiscated properties include:
- A flat on Matbuat avenue of Sabail district, Baku;
- A private house on Fatali Khan Khoyski street of Nizami district, Ganja;
- A non-residential area on Huseyn Javid Avenue of Yasamal district, Baku;
- Three flats on Gurban Khalilov street of Yasamal district, Baku;
- A 6-room private house on Shikar Shikar street of Maraza settlement of Gobustan district;
- A property complex enterprise (Khirman building) located on 3.69 hectares of land in Khilmilli village of Gobustan district;
- A 1-storey non-residential building with 7 entrances in Maraza settlement of Gobustan district;
- A property complex enterprise on M.A.Sabir street of Neftchala city, privately owned by ‘Neftchala Grain’ OJSC
- ‘Yurdum’ trade facility on M.A.Sabir street of Neftchala city;
- A building on M.A.Sabir street of Neftchala city.
Why was Ismayil Valiyev arrested?: The former head of the Executive Authority was arrested during a special operation conducted by the State Security Service in February 2020 and accused of embezzling state funds allocated for repair and construction works; abuse of office, arbitrary seizure of land in the district and illegal construction in those areas. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Lankaran Court of Grave Crimes.