Azerbaijan’s state television AzTV aired a rare criticism of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. To air the particular criticism was in response to Russian state-run First Channel’s introduction of de facto Karabakh-Armenian authorities as “Nagorno-Karabakh Republic”.
On October 24, Chair of AzTV Rovshan Mammadov went on the offensive against Russia in “Week” program, which he hosts. Mammadov recalled First Channel’s “Nagorno-Karabakh Republic” introduction from days ago and went on to call the Ukraine war “Russian occupation”.
If we take into account that the media fulfills the mission of promotion of the state policy, the broadcast of the talk show of the First Channel of Russia, which is openly provocative and insulting towards our country, is not like an ordinary program, but it makes us conclude that [the program] was opinions and orders of the official circles. If so, then let’s get started. The war waged by Russia on the territory of Ukraine is violence, a war of aggression, and a clear threat to the territorial integrity of the other side. Therefore, joining Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye to the territory of Russia is a gross violation of the norms and principles of international law, a fact of occupation.
Rovshan Mammadov
This is the first time the Azerbaijani state-run media called the war in Ukraine as Russian occupation. Mammadov also mentioned the shift from earlier approach in his remarks.
Azerbaijani media until today has been approaching to the issue as much balanced as possible without blaming either side, considering the sensitivity of the subject.
Rovshan Mammadov
The same day, Azerbaijani embassy in Russia sent a protest note to Russia’s Foreign Ministry regarding the First Channel broadcasts.
Using biased statements on the state TV channel and allowing obvious political provocations is not only contrary to the official position of Russia, which has been voiced many times by the President of the Russian Federation who expressed support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, but also undermines the steps taken in the direction of ensuring long-term peace, stability and security in the region. It is mentioned in the document that the media representatives have a special responsibility to prevent provocations that may cause tension in the fragile peace situation in the region and may further aggravate the situation.
Azerbaijani embassy